Thursday, October 04, 2007

Here's a QuickTime clip of an apparent UFO filmed from a Space Shuttle. The evidently structured object can be seen near the fuel tank about three-fourths of the way through. The UFO's "appendages," oddly enough, recall the unconventional shape of the "drones."

Click here for more NASA videos.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Or, it could be a reflection off the tank and onto the shuttle window. Note how one point of the translucent "object" points/tracks with the fuel tank.

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Agreed with the reflection. It looks similar to other reflection artifacts seen in the shuttle windows.

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    oh yea, says you? Show me...

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Yea I could see your point, except the tank is'nt reflecting any light in the way you would see say, a lense flare reflecting off the glass..there's no intense hotspots coming from it.

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Look carefully, the hotspot is there, right on the head of the tank. I used RAD Video Tools to convert the .mov to .avi (uncompressed), then opened it in VirtualDub and used the resize filter (using Lanczos3 method) to get a bigger picture. In VirtualDub you can use the left and right arrow keys to move back and forth.

  6. Anonymous12:27 AM

    To my untrained eye, it looked like a satellite.

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    See: for some enhanced video of this--if you're using IE 7 browser, also blow up to 200/400%.

  8. I have to agree with Anna Murphy. A satellite is the first thing I thought of, the "arms" being the solar panels.
