Thursday, October 04, 2007

No, this isn't "steampunk" -- this decrepit automaton harpist is the real thing. No batteries. No optical sensors or force-feedback units. Not a single chip hidden away inside the delicate porcelain skull. The irony is that its movements, limited as they are, are noticeably more "natural" than those of recent androids.

Don't believe me? Take a look:

(Both videos sighted at Beyond the Beyond.)


  1. They have one thing in common...they're both really freakin' creepy.

  2. Katie--

    And what have robots ever done to you, huh? :-)

  3. Well. You and I both know where this is heading. Sex machines baby! Yeah!!!!

  4. You and I both know where this is heading. Sex machines baby!

    For better or worse, it's inevitable.
