Saturday, October 13, 2007

Vatican publish Knights Templar documents

The Vatican has published a slew of centuries-old documents about the Knights Templar, a Christian military order that operated in the Middle Ages and remains a source of endless fascination for conspiracy theorists, Holy Grail seekers, occultists, and Dan Brown readers. The documents are collected in a 300 page book published by Scrinium. The cover price is $8,377 and only 300 were printed.


  1. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Somebody should buy one, scan it and post on a peer to peer like limewire or otherwise make the text available, even if in part, for fair use illustration of the more important disclosures and details which could be quoted and cited. Wonder if Google will buy and/or lease rights from the Vatican? The Vatican could sell a few million worldwide, and print up and sell for $15 to $20 a pop as an e-book,DVD, and/or subscription service for specialized or key-word based and translation services and make far more money. 300 books at $8377 equals a little over 2.51 million dollars, and vs., say, 10m. x $15 = 150 million dollars. they have any alternative digital or reference/library copies available for purchase? $100 or so? Wonder how the book is copyrighted/wording of deal.

  2. You give space for extraterrialists (how do you write it)..what do You think about the Mind, mind of people, how is it built, how does it work?
