Sunday, November 04, 2007

"All You Need Is Me" (Morrissey):

I do believe I have a new theme-song.

(For non-Morrissey fans, I've prepared this handy link to a video involving flying cats. So please -- no complaining.)


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Two thumbs down. (Sorry, Mac)

    --W.M. Bear

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I'm pleased that this song and "That's How People Grow Up" are both a bit snappier and fast paced than a lot of his past solo stuff. I hope the new album has a lot of that sound on it. I always liked his faster pop songs in general - the " Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning" sorta stuff gets to be a bit much sometimes.

    Morrisey is always two thumbs up for me, but wow.. time has taken it's toll on him. My mental image of Moz is forever stuck in circa 1985 - always will be.

    Now I feel friggin old...

  3. Yup, just as I thought...the cats were much more entertaining.

  4. Great stuff by Moz - ignore the haters Mac! :-)

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Morrisey gives me the impression of a midlife computer corp exec who's decided to pursue his childhood ambition to be a rock star. His band definitely provides a good, obsessive rhythmic backup but so? Just about any decent rock band can do that. I guess I can see why some people like him without liking him myself. Plus, I thought the lyrics to this particular song were obnoxiously egoistic, even if meant satirically (an impression I didn't get). Sorry I don't share your tastes, Mac, tj, and Paul.


  6. Plus, I thought the lyrics to this particular song were obnoxiously egoistic, even if meant satirically (an impression I didn't get).

    *Definitely* satirical, WMB.
