Thursday, November 29, 2007

Doing Time A Breath Of Fresh Air

There's something genuinely thrilling - and unsettling - about Semaphore Theatre's world premiere of the play Doing Time. First off, it's unapologetically hard-core sci-fi. Second, it's a stage piece more interested in ideas that character.



  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    good revue...not having the opportunity to see the play I don't know how the Dylan songs are used, but Tangerine Dream is always a welcome treat for mood or background.

  2. Congratulations Mac & Nick!

    I wish I could be there to see it. I support you both wholeheartedly.

    Mazel Tov!*

    *This is the first usage ever of a spontaneous and sincere Mazel Tov! that I actually performed.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Did you have trouble crossing the border, given your experience with opened mail packages?

    And congrats on your's and Paul's play.

  4. Cool. Film it and put it on Google video or something.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Good idea! Along with browser file for script (text/stage directions /etc.) actually would be cool. After all, it is the "net age" now--see what broader virtual audiences your work might thus appeal to. Eh, my 2 cents...8)

  6. Only an "8"?!

    Congrats to you both! When do I get a DVD?

  7. Congratulations! Not a bad review for your first foray into script writing. :o)

  8. Sorry, fucked up and said Nick instead of Paul. Sorry about that.

    Congratulations Paul!

  9. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Congratulatory ephemeratic flapping of hands and wings for your "timely doing" of the play and the buzzy feedback so far, both of you!

  10. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I'll add my congrats to everyone else's. Sounds like boffo at the box-o or something! We're all eagerly awaiting the video....

    --W.M. Bear
