Thursday, November 22, 2007

Greg Bishop makes note of Boing Boing's apparent disdain for ufology.


  1. Greg Bishop is one of those writers you just have to check in on every day - one of the vanishingly rare blogs that really do require daily dips.
    UFOs, as Greg knows, perhaps, better than anyone, grew to prominence in the cultural milieu of the contacted - as "un-cool" a herd as ever there was...
    For a brief time, roughly between the landmarks of CE3K, Communion and the X-Files, UFOs ascended to the pantheon of cultural edginess and "cool."
    Now? In a world that is boiling over with balkanized religious fervor, end-times eschatology, and what Freud so presciently called the "narcissism of little differences", UFOs and all things Fortean have been driven to the edge of the epistemological cliff. Fear and survival are the paradigms of this era - Earth-bound concerns that harbor little if any room for the great mystery of being.

  2. Elan--

    You said it. Greg's a valuable asset.

  3. Elan,

    Thanks so much for the support! Do you comment at posts on ufomystic? I'd like to see you there.

    Yes, the world we live in and the people who's job it is to dictate our concerns and fears do not give a rat's ass for UFOs, unless they can scare us in some enduring way.


    Thanks for the link, buddy!

  4. I meant to type "contactees" (not contacted)...
