Friday, November 02, 2007

A quantum theory of dreams?

The use of quantum mechanics this way has been controversial for two reasons: first, this highly mathematical theory is routinely abused by charlatans attempting to explain spooky paranormal phenomena; and, second, scientists cannot even agree on a definition of consciousness, undermining any quest to explain it.

But an intriguing way to bridge the gap between reality and theory has now been put forward by Prof Efstratios Manousakis of Florida State University, Tallahassee, in a paper published online, entitled "Quantum theory, consciousness and temporal perception: Binocular rivalry."


  1. Wicked. A published author. I'm going to take a while to read through all the data here. later.

  2. So if the dream train is observed going into a tunnel does the cigar become a penis when smoked?

  3. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Only if it's a Habana from Cuba...

    I've had dreams I didn't think or know my brain could create, they've been so ornate, real, and fully colored. Now I know why--it's them quantum mechanics, working with those DMT'd off discorporate machine elves--I'm just the substrate! Arggh!

  4. Whimsical posts aside…
    Mac has led us to a theory that speaks to the possibility of accessing data from the remotest reaches of the Universe. It is a trans-spatial, multi-dimensional, supra-temporal state of consciousness that may one day be developed (or engineered) into a reliable technique.
