Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ufology's Changing Face (Nick Redfern)

But, whatever the real nature of the phenomenon, it is clear to me at least, that many of the events that have been reported are without doubt staged for our benefit: it's a game, a theater-play, a charade; and we keep falling for it and marvelling at the "extraterrestrial" presence among us.

Whether this is to try and convince us that "they" are extraterrestrial, when in reality they may be something else, or whether there are reasons so bizarre that they currently defy reasoning and/or understanding, I'm not sure.


  1. Whether it is staged for our benefit is speculative at this stage in our understanding of the manifold phenomena. A game? Or an intelligence test, perhaps. Or neither. Our interpretation and recollection of these experiences, sightings and interactions might be static caused by wave interference patterns of two or more sensory apparatus that are not engineered to uplink and share coherent information. The resulting static is dreamlike, as so many experiencers report. Or it produces spontaneous smells; or visions that blur the distinction between metallic craft, bleeding statues of the Virgin Mary, black tar falling from the sky, and giant croissants that float down from the sky in falling leaf patterns. And mad gassers, and phantom clowns, and social workers that show up, ask innocuous questions and then vanish with no traceable footprint. This planet is not a mute by-product of fixed elements. It is abuzz with mutating DNA, corrosive weather, pheromones, chemical storms and a trillion trillion nano-bacteria and plankton that cover the surface of the land and water. We are visited by a dozen mysteries every morning before we make it from our beds to brush our teeth. “The visitors” are right here, right now. As John Shirley once wrote, “The core secret of mysticism is that awareness itself is the sixth sense.”

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Shades of Jacques Vallee.

    The ET hypothesis may be wearing thin on the phenomenon, but I wouldn't put it to bed yet.

    AI nanobot psychotropic utility fog, with the ability to form each human generation's nightmares and longings according to culture. And gaging our development. I'm sure this has been mentioned here before.

    Intelligence test? Rorschach test? There's no doubt it mutates and changes every generation, so why not?

    But the game is wearing pretty thin.

  3. Elan--

    *Very* well-said.


    AI nanobot psychotropic utility fog, with the ability to form each human generation's nightmares and longings according to culture. And gaging our development. I'm sure this has been mentioned here before.


  4. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Excellent post and summary of important ufo and "entity" related issues by both Nick and Greg in their recent posts on the subject.

    Hats off to both. I will provide more detailed comment and a suggestion for furthering the development of these issues fairly soon in comments here and over at Good stuff.

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Ah, good ol' Mr. Lam. I knew him, Horatio.

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    and so it goes on, the truth ,like sand slipping through the fingers when will the picture make sense become clear? when its meant to, when we are ready

  7. "The battle for the world is the battle for definitions."
    -- Thomas Szasz
