Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Empire State Building car zap mystery

In the shadow of the Empire State Building lies an "automotive Bermuda Triangle" - a five-block radius where vehicles mysteriously die.

No one is sure what's causing it, but all roads appear to lead to the looming giant in our midst - specifically, its Art Deco mast and 203-foot-long, antenna-laden spire.

[. . .]

The Empire State Building Co., which refused to provide the Daily News a list of its antennas, denied it has created any "adverse impact" on automobiles.

"If the claim were indeed true, the streets in the vicinity of the building would be constantly littered with disabled vehicles," the building's owner said.

According to many doormen in the area, they often are.

(Via Reality Carnival Unleashed.)


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Sounds like some intelligent journalist should borrow some electromagnetic field measurement instrumentation equipment for placement at random spots within the area.

    If there are EM fields strong enough to knock out car ignition systems at street level, makes you wonder what office workers nearby on higher skyscraper floors might be being exposed to.

    I suppose some state or federal environmental protection or health and safety agency might be interested if contacted, and if the story is actually true.

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Whenever I drive in NYC (which is as rarely as humanly possible) that's kind of the least of my worries....
