Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Innovation Tower at Hong Kong Polytechnic University by Zaha Hadid

The fluid character of the Innovation Tower is generated through an intrinsic composition of its landscape, floor plates and louvers, that dissolves the classic typology of the tower and the podium into an iconic seamless piece.

Click for must-see concept illustrations. For sheer vertiginous futurity, this place outdoes the Tyrell Corporation headquarters from "Blade Runner."


  1. Mac,
    For shame!
    Have you fallen off the wagon after receiving the 4 disc boxed Blade Runner set for Christmas?
    So, Tyrell Corp. falls into the abyss of quaint retro-futurity, huh?
    Them's fightin' word!

  2. Elan--

    What was I *thinking*??? :-(

  3. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I just hope the sections don't rotate independently....
