Friday, January 18, 2008

Rockabilly Westworld: Zombie Karaoke Elvis-bot

I imagine there was either a messy breakup or a drunken kickboxing match, and Elvis-bot here took one right in the grill, then got dumped in the road. The thing is, covered in grime and with part of his face missing, it's MILLIONS of times cooler than it ever was brand-new. Sure, it took a little trauma and a lot of scarring, but that's what builds real character in humans and robots alike. This thing exists at the crossroads of all my favorite things: Japanese pop culture, zombies, robots and rock 'n roll.

(Via Boing Boing.)

This one's just begging for a caption . . .


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Well, thank you very much...OW!

  2. "Elvis has left the domain of carbon-based life-forms."

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "You ain't nuthin' but an android...."
