Saturday, February 09, 2008

Cloud City airships to float New Yorkers above post-apocalyptic maelstrom

What if New York City were totally trashed in a disaster? That was the premise for a design competition that spawned this Cloud City idea by Studio Lindfors. It was one the Selected Entries in the "What if New York City . . ." design competition, where designers dreamed up this concept where New Yorkers are lifted above the rubble in blimp houses, staying together as a community while crews clear away the mess below.

(Via The Keyhoe Report.)


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    How Jules Verne-ish.

  2. Oddly Wellsian, too. The tethered blimps are vaguely tripod-ish.

  3. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I'm upset for the little panda bear. He's so cute!

  4. Yeah, the panda got a bum deal. All the humans are partying it up in their distributed aerial city where, presumably, stuffed animals are no longer needed.

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Last place I'd want to be after an urban disaster is in a tethered balloon with half-crazed New Yorkers...and how do "they" get those balloons in there in the first place?

    Me, I'd ride my bicycle outta there...
