Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is it just me or are the "posted by" and "labels" lines suddenly crammed together at the bottom of each post? I suspect Blogger's at fault, but there's always the possibility it's my computer.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    They look normal from the west coast. No cramming here.

  2. Hmmm. I wonder if Microsoft's latest update has anything to do with this ...

  3. And by "crammed" I don't mean "overlapping." I mean "single-spaced."

  4. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Well, yeah, as a matter of fact the label tags and posted by bits are single spaced. This has to do with blogspot, which I noticed just added "open ID" in the comments block, and changed nickname to "name/url". Reminds me of Neo spotting the black cat walking twice past a doorway in The Matrix, which was an indication the matrix's software had been changed. They'll never catch me!

  5. Behold!

    The ugly single-spacing just went away!

    I am The One!

  6. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Uh..I dunno. Still looks single spaced to me out here.

    And I thought you were No.6!

  7. Wait -- as usual, I rejoiced too soon. The posts on the PB main page look fine, but if you click on "older posts" at the bottom of the screen (or select a label) the post layout is "crammed."

    I assume Blogger is working on this.

  8. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Yep. Your last two posts show a space below the main content and before the label and posted by bits, while the earlier posts still show the lack of the space between the above.

    It's the fiends at Google messing with our heads! Damn billionaires...

  9. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Don't look now, Mr. Anderson, but the matrix has changed again. Now all posts _except_ this one are back to the normal spacing.

  10. Blogger's totally fucking around.

  11. Anonymous12:48 AM

    What's funny about this little dialogue we're having is that by morning, when others notice your post about this unfolding micro-drama, I'll bet all the spacing will look perfectly normal to anyone wondering why your post generated, so far, 11 comments, and what the hell were we talking about...8^}

    Never mind. Move along, coppertops.
