Sunday, February 03, 2008

Millimetron Space Observatory to Search for Astro-engineering Artifacts & Wormholes in the Universe

Russia has a new space mission in preparation that can be used for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The project Millimetron is a millimeter and sub-millimeter space observatory with a 10 meter diameter mirror, very sensitive receivers for single dish mode and will be used for orbiting VLBI (Very Long Base Interferometer). This telescope would be convenient for a very sensitive all sky survey with the possibility of constructing images of sources with a very high angular resolution. The mission will be useful for the search for astro-engineering constructions in the universe.

This is the sort of SETI I can get excited about.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Me too. But like I asked at another blog, would we recognize it as such?

  2. But like I asked at another blog, would we recognize it as such?

