Monday, February 04, 2008

More stupid Mars "news" that only diverts attention from legitimate enigmas:

Acid House smiley face found on Mars

The Sun newspaper reports that a satellite orbiting Mars has now spotted what looks suspiciously like a big smiley face drawn crudely onto the surface of the red planet.

(Via The Anomalist.)

The really sad thing here is that the "Smiley Face" crater isn't even a new discovery. It was first seen in Viking photos from the 1970s and has since become a mainstay for rote debunkers like Mike Malin.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    More stupid Mars "news" that only diverts attention from legitimate enigmas

    I totally agree, Mac. If I didn't know better (and maybe I don't), I might suspect that someone in whose interest it is precisely to divert attention AWAY from those legitimate enigmas was feeding the mass media this recycled crapola....

  2. WMB--

    I have to admit that drek like this makes me a bit paranoid. But you should never underestimate the all-pervading ignorance of the mainstream media when it comes to "weird" things.
