Saturday, February 02, 2008

Musician Dave Navarro interviews Whitley Strieber. Don't miss this one.


  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Mac -- This is far and away the best link you've ever put up! I was totally riveted! This is definitely a must-see....

  2. It's certainly the best Strieber interview I've ever seen. Uncut and no commercial breaks! He expands on some interesting details he's mentioned in passing both in his books and on his site.

    My question: Why can't Strieber's own site be this good?

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Excellent show. Navarro is a talented interviewer and quite natural doing it.

    Strieber seemed credible and human. And I agree Mac, why can't Strieber's site be this good?

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Yeah, I was also impressed by Navarro. He knew his subject, he's been to Mufon conventions, he's read Strieber's books, he asked intelligent, penetrating questions. My God, is the boob tube actually improving? And Strieber was, shall we say, expansive and relaxed. As I said, I was riveted.

  5. My God, is the boob tube actually improving?

    Nope. This was Internet "TV."

  6. Navarro's devilish appearance made the interview all the more ominous for me.
