Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Turning physics on its ear

Zahn is a leading expert on electromagnetic and electronic systems. In a rare move for any reputable academic, he has agreed to give Heins' creation an open-minded look rather than greet it with outright dismissal.

It's a pivotal moment. The invention, at its very least, could moderately improve the efficiency of induction motors, used in everything from electric cars to ceiling fans. At best it means a way of tapping the mysterious powers of electromagnetic fields to produce more work out of less effort, seemingly creating electricity from nothing.

Such an unbelievable invention would challenge the laws of physics, a no-no in the rigid world of serious science. Imagine a battery system in an all-electric car that can be recharged almost exclusively by braking and accelerating, or what Heins calls "regenerative acceleration."

(Via RCU.)


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    When this tech is powering my home, it will be worth discussing... Haven't these scams been rampant, ala Steorn, lately?

  2. Steorn indeed came to mind when I read the article. I'm highly skeptical, but I'm willing to see what the guy can do.
