Saturday, March 08, 2008

Another cat video. Featuring aliens! Don't miss it!

(Thanks, Brent!)


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Can someone tell me why that particular piece of so-called "music" by DJ Amok-Revolt that the putative abductee is listening to is so popular? It's exactly what your typical asshole jams in his car CD player and turns it up full volume with the windows open so all the other drivers can hear. All it is is just the same loud, idiotic, repetitive beat over and over and over ad nauseam. (Or maybe I'm missing something and just turning into another grumpy old fart? That's why I'm asking.)

  2. I think you may have missed the point. I thought the mindless bass thumping was totally in keeping with the cartoon's minimalist style and quite funny in its own right.

  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Wow, minus the cat, that is pretty much my worst nightmare.

    W.M. Bear: These days, all you need is a moderately priced computer and midi keyboard to make music like that, which is why it is so common (read popular). Unfortunately, and despite the fact I think it a good thing people can find the means to express themselves musically so easily, creativity is an entirely different issue when the computer does 98% of the work for you. And no, as a 23 year old electronic musician who actually plays his instruments, I would agree that you're not missing anything - music like that is devoid of creativity and emotion. But, you know, not everyone has a learned ear. Many of these people can be found in clubs, and like you say, in a car (probably on their way to a club).


  4. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Thanks, RG. I feel better. No, Mac, I don't think I missed the point. It's just that I keep hearing that particular mindless beat everywhere (even occasionally in stores). I just don't understand its appeal. I seize up every time I hear it and tend to wish aliens WOULD abduct me just to get away from it....
