Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Astrium Unveils New Spaceship Plans (Video Simulation & Pictures)

Europe's leading spacecraft manufacturer EADS Astrium, the builders of the Ariane rocket (that launches many of Europe's space missions), has announced plans to mass produce the next generation of space planes. Developing the design of a single-stage "rocket plane", the company believes there will be a demand for 10 spacecraft per year when the space tourism idea "takes off".


  1. Nice to see someone in the aerospace field is thinking ahead, instead of dusting off blueprints from the 1960s.

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Nice to see someone in the aerospace field is thinking ahead, instead of dusting off blueprints from the 1960s...

    Yup, they go where it's not a sin to be creative and not have to deal with stodgy arseholes who only care about their pensions and covering their backsides.
