Sunday, March 23, 2008

Borders is on its way out? Leaving us with the Goliath of mediocrity that is Barnes & Noble? I don't like this one bit.


  1. I would say that I hadn't noticed any real significant difference in titles carried. I think the difference is atmospheric.

    On a side note: a local Borders got destroyed by a water main break. A friend of mine who works there said he went dumpster diving afterwards and cleaned up on water damaged books.

    "At least they are readable"

  2. Everything will be Google someday.
    Resistance is futile.

  3. Cap'n--

    Maybe it's just where I live, but here there's a pronounced difference in selection. Borders rules!

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    My local Borders put in a large kiddie section and went downhill from there....

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The closest Borders here is 25 miles away and is the only place that sells Asimov's and Analog Science-Fiction.


    I don't mind change, but us old folks need to catch our breath between acts.

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    "Goliath of mediocrity..."

    Gee, I thought that was Microsoft.
