Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dramatic proof that you can't keep a good bot down:

(Thanks to the always-enjoyable Communist Robot.)


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Interesting. It's clear from this and other robot videos I've seen that roboticists are getting scaringly good at mimicking human movements with machines. But I didn't want to keep seeing the damn thing do the same moves from supine to squat over and over and over from different angles. I wanted to see it go from supine to squat to STANDING UP.

    (I'm sure the programmers thought -- as programmers will -- "Oh, that's the easy part. We'll just leave that out and just show the hard part over and over. A guy from Marketing would have have straightened them out on THAT issue!)

  2. I wanted to see it go from supine to squat to STANDING UP.

    I know what you mean. I found myself rooting for the bot: "Stand UP! You can *do* it!"

  3. Hee! I kept yelling "Stand up. Stand up! Dammit, stand up you piece of shit robot!" at the screen while watching this, gaining me some very curious looks from my husband.
