Monday, March 31, 2008

Random snapshot.


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Um, yours? If so, how did you create that translucent "beaded" effect? Give us the story behind the picture.

  2. Yep, mine. The face is on a bench across the street from my apt. It's about as big as my palm. I thought it looked kind of eerie.

  3. Anonymous3:21 AM

    It is eerie. On a bench? So is an advert pasted to the bench, and the "bubbling" effect created by deterioration of the display ad or is that effect in the original advert photo/graphic itself?

  4. Anonymous5:23 AM

    What face? All I see is some kind of mesa!

  5. Anon.--

    It's actually a 3-D concrete face. The "bubbling" is simply imperfections in the casting magnified by my camera.



  6. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Aha! Thanks for the explanatory!

    A piece of urban street art--there was a period I used to occassionally see similar arty-facts placed in random locations in Berkeley, often near Telegraph Ave, most oddly abstract painted wooden pieces above eye level, which I enjoyed the concept of a great deal. 8^}

    Then, apparently some folks got greedy, and started stealing or taking them down. Sad. *^p

    That really used to roast my toast!

    Hmmm...maybe I ought to begin a new tradition up here in the neo-con suburban enclave I reside in at the moment. Gotta have the funk. Or make some of my own...
