Friday, April 18, 2008

Pope Benedict prays with victims of clergy sex abuse scandal

One of the victims, Bernie McDaid, told The Associated Press that he shook the pope's hand, told him he was an altar boy and had been abused by a priest in the sacristy of his parish. The abuse, he told Benedict, was not only sexual but spiritual.

"I said, 'Holy Father, you need to know you have a cancer in your flock and I hope you will do something for this problem; you have to fix this,'" McDaid said. "He looked down at the floor and back at me, like, 'I know what you mean.' He took it in emotionally. We looked eye to eye."

Oh, wow. Eye to eye, no less. That's some serious problem-solving.


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Let's just take one case:

    Former Bishop Bernard Law of the diocese of Boston, who resigned in 2002 over the massive child molestation scandal. He was instrumental in covering up the transfer of pedophile priests to new parishes, where these perverted religious sex criminals (aka priests) continued to rape and molest children in dozens of cases, a monstrous scandal that persisted for over 50 years.

    In 2004, he was appointed by the last Pope to a new job, paying around $5000 per month, of archpriest of one of the four Vatican basilicas. He was rewarded for his crimes. He was also part of the conclave of cardinals who elected Ratzinger to be the new Pope. Does anyone actually think the Catholic Church is serious about real reform?

    For ref., see:

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Well what do you expect from one of the Hitler Youth?

  3. Oh wow, anon...yes, you make such an amazing point with that sweeping generalization. :oP

    For your information, from 1936, membership in that organization was mandatory. Parents who protested were often heavily fined or jailed.

    I know this because my father lived it. And he is as kind and caring a man as you'd ever like to meet.

    What an ignorant thing for you to say.

  4. The facts speak for themselves, so why make yourself sound stupid by playing the Nazi card? Oh -- you're anonymous (big surprise), so I suppose the point is moot.

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    It's Godwin's Law!

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Entirely apart from his membership in the Hitler Youth, Pope Benedict strikes me as a singurlarly uninspiring type for a so-called "spiritual leader." I am not a huge fan of the Dalai Lama necessarily either, but if you put the two side by side....

    Maybe it isn't fair to compare the present Pope to John Paul II either but still, if you put those two side by side....

  7. Anonymous12:36 AM

    The Catholic Church in its long history has had all sorts of types presiding as Pope. Some were lecherous playboys (yes, complete with harem, mistresses and illegitimate broods), others were bloodthirsty despots and tyrants. More often than not they were a combination of the above. Rumor has it that at one time there was even a female Pope (masquerading as a man, of course). Modern catholicism, by contrast, has grown so tepid and timid that they'll choose for their Pope only doting old men who don't have the balls even to punish pedophile priests. If you ask me they've come a long way.

    Ken Y.
