Saturday, April 12, 2008

Science fiction writer and futurist Bruce Sterling delivers a scathing and delightfully opinionated speech on the emergence of "spimes," the ubiquity of cellphones and the relevance of speculative literature.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    This was an odd speech--is Bruce getting a little squirrely?

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Thanks Mac for drawing attention to this talk by Mr Sterling. Enjoyed it!


  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I enjoyed it too and could make absolutely no sense out of what Bruce was saying. That tells you something but I'm not sure what....

  4. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I think a transcript would make this speech useful. Good stuff, but damn.

  5. Great speech! I think I _almost_ understood it. I had no idea Sterling sounded like a hippy surfer dude.

  6. I suspect Sterling's presentations make more immediate sense if you've read his more recent novels and stories, particularly "Heavy Weather," "Holy Fire" and "Distraction."

    I get a kick out of his voice. He grew up in India and used to live in Texas, but there's certainly a surfer vibe going on.

  7. Wow. He sounds exactly the way I imagine a male Buffy (as in "The Vampire Slayer") would sound.
