Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We now pause for a message from our sponsors . . .


  1. If he was gettin' any from the wife, he might not complain about the coffee. The other woman looks like that's her solution (of course that's what the advertisers were implying.)

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM

    "You know, if I could just make a decent cup of coffee, I could relax."

    Really? I don't know about that--Harvey impresses me as a rather insensitive bastard. He'd find something else to complain about.

  3. Jeeee....zus. If I said something like that to my fiancee in the morning she'd rip my face off.

    "Sweetie, I'm sorry, but you're coffee is undrinka.... AAAAHHHH!!!!"

    That's how it would sound.

  4. Hey, this is *coffee* we're talking about here! Tell that ho to do it right or else it's "grounds" for divorce!


  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Ah, the fifties! Where did we take a wrong turn?...
