Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Everything is just fine. Global warming? Well, yeah, temperatures are increasing and lots of things are dying. And communities are, ah, relocating. But there's no evidence any of it's our fault. It's just, you know, the way things are. One of those things. It'll blow over. Don't panic. What are you, a fear-monger?

And what's with this crazy Mars talk? Alien structures on Mars? Jesus. First of all, it's impossible. I read this website by actual real scientists and they proved that it would be totally inefficient for beings in another solar system to come here. Because it's really expensive. And, I mean, we haven't done it, have we? If it were possible, they'd be here already.

And no, UFOs don't count as evidence. Don't even think of pulling that one. Because I read this other website by actual scientists and they said all sightings could be explained. Well, they didn't actually explain them, but they said they could be explained if they had all of the evidence.

Jesus. Some people.

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