Wednesday, November 10, 2004

What Kerry Should Have Said

"I concede that I misjudged the power of hate. That's pretty powerful stuff, and I didn't see it. So let me take a moment to congratulate the President's strategists: Putting the gay marriage amendments on the ballot in various swing states like Ohio... well, that was just genius. Genius. It got people, a certain kind of people, to the polls. The unprecedented number of folks who showed up and cited 'moral values' as their biggest issue, those people changed history. The folks who consider same sex marriage a more important issue than war, or terrorism, or the economy... Who'd have thought the election would belong to them? Well, Karl Rove did. Gotta give it up to him for that. Credit where it's due."

I think Kerry really should have said this stuff. No kidding. I heard a few minutes of the actual concession speech on the radio and man, was it ever spineless, predictable crap . . .

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