Monday, March 07, 2005

The Bleeding Edge of Computing

"'Synthetic biology' means leveraging natural structures as a way of building things on the molecular scale. 'If you can write DNA, you're no longer limited to 'what is' but to what you could make," said Endy. 'The science you get out of that is more than 'Here's this gene and what it does.' It's 'What are the physical limitations of biological systems?'"


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    It occurs to me that even though paleonotologists (or whoever) will likely never extract usable dino DNA from fossils ala "Jurassic Park," genetic engineers may someday be able to re-create the critters by designing and building their DNA from scratch -- Synthesaurs!

  2. Then there's the "even better than the real thing" outlook to consider. Dinosaurs too boring? Upgrade to flame-belching dragons!
