Monday, March 07, 2005

Undaunted, India Daily keeps plugging away at the UFO enigma. And even though the "journalism" here is conspicuously lacking, I think it's likely closer to the truth than anything yet produced by the Western mainstream.

Worldwide competition of Reverse Engineering Extra-terrestrial Propulsion Systems

"Most advanced countries have ongoing civilian as well as military projects that watch the extra-terrestrial UFO flight patterns and characteristics; possible UFO contacts and similar techniques to reverse engineer the navigation and propulsion systems."

NASA's Paul Hill is one example of a credentialed scientist who managed to "reverse engineer" (on paper, at least) UFO propulsion based on observed flight characteristics. This alone is powerful evidence that at least some UFOs represent an actual technology, almost certainly electrogravitic -- and presumably not ours. In this light, the secrecy motive explored in Richard Dolan's recent essays becomes a given, and all the more so if the U.S. government (or an offshoot of it) possesses tangible UFO hardware.


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Advanced cloaking devices make it hard to study UFO flight patterns

    Till later, A. C.

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Electrogravitic? Interestingly, this would seem to imply a theoretical complete unification of the four fundamental forces of physics -- electromagnetic, weak, strong, and gravity, which we have not got, at least not yet. (I know some researchers are doing funky stuff with spinning EM fields that supposedly affect gravity.) Or maybe ET uses (appropriately) Dark Energy, the anti-gravity-like repulsive force that is causing the universe to expand. (Six months ago, I couldn't even spell reverse engineer and now I are one!)
