Sunday, April 03, 2005

I got "the letter" again. A few new twists, but essentially the same old shit.


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    So which are the negotiables, which are the non-negotiables?

    Musical tastes?
    Religion or lack thereof?
    Cat allergies?
    Science fiction?
    Interest in kids or sex?
    Owl or lark?

    We'll take as a given that she's got to be sufficiently smart and well-read, which automatically knocks out at least 95% of the female population. She's got to at least be relatively free to go out with you, or at least in an open relationship (what's your feeling about polyamory?)

    I personally wouldn't be interested in going out with anyone who wasn't interested in science fiction, it would be like bestiality. But most of the women I know who read science fiction are also pagan, so that shuts out that group given your frequent sneers at religion.

    Not that I know anything about this sort of process firsthand. When I was 20 and my now-husband was 19, he lived upstairs from me. He came down one night and I wasn't able to get rid of him afterward, and it's been over 30 years now. :)

    What filters are you using?
    Who are you shutting out?

  2. I have wasted too much of my life on this BS. And I seem incapable of learning from experience.

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    If it's any consolation, I gave up dating for Lent -- and for quite a while before that! Having gone through marital hell (pace Carol --though I envy your good one) not once but twice (speaking of being incapable of learning from experience!) I'm definitely relishing my freedom and have no intention of giving it up any time soon. What a relief to be free of the whole routine! Surf's up!

  4. Maybe I missed something...what letter???

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Click the link.

  6. Awww... well crap. I am really sorry to hear that Mac. If it helps, I think you're a really cool guy [sorry that sounds so "school yardish"]. I think it's their loss - keep looking, don't give up, she's out there...

  7. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Ya know, Mac, I just have this feeling that some woman's gunna come along, sooner rather than later, and recognize what a real find you are. After that, you'll have fifty plus years of misery to look forward to! (Assuming you're the loyal type 8^) Kidding -- sorry to sound so cynical on the subject!

  8. Cynicism is welcome here :-)
