Friday, June 10, 2005

Worth a look:

"There is a large and growing potential for global societal breakdown and a descent into chaos -- Apocalypse, in a word. It might be triggered by economic meltdown, warfare, environmental collapse, or a great natural disaster, or by some combination of these or other factors. It might come on suddenly, or gradually. Or it might not happen at all.

"I believe it is likely to happen, and may even need to happen to preserve the Earth as a home for humanity."

1 comment:

  1. It would appear that the earth is a vast energy field, with that aspect of us called our consciousness in the midst of it, and our presence has grown so much that the plant and animal aspect are leaving (disappearing, extinction).

    Once it is just us left there will be no other consciousness entities in the holographic earth field to protect and shield us from the malevolence of the trans dimensionals, and then the appearance of this world will be reformatted in to a very nasty place indeed. So go ahead and cut down another tree, shoot another animal, remove the buffers between us and those monsters out to enslave us.
