Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Biotech Firms Fight Pollution With Plants

"On the site of a former hat factory in Danbury, Conn., a stand of genetically altered cottonwood trees sucks mercury from the contaminated soil.

"Across the continent in California, researchers use transgenic Indian mustard plants to soak up dangerously high selenium deposits caused by irrigation of the nation's bread basket.

"Still others are engineering trees to retain more carbon and thus combat global warming.

"The gene jockeys conducting these exotic experiments envision a future in which plants can be used as an inexpensive, safer and more effective way of disposing of pollution."


  1. If they'd been using insects, you'd officially be a prophet. You really wear your influences on your sleeve, you know that? :)

  2. "As Gregor Samsa awoke from uneasy dreams . . ."

  3. Mac -

    Okay...we engineer plants to metabolize toxins. Well, what else depends on plants...umm...insects do...birds do...fungus and molds do.

    Are we on the front edge of creating a toxic biosphere, where everything poisons everything else, until all our toxic waste is just spread thinly throughout the food chain?

    Particularly in the case of man-made toxins (i.e., the toxins that do not occur naturally), I can foresee some troubling issues from using plants to "digest" them.

    Troubling indeed...


  4. Ummm, this is the reflexive sphere we are talking about here, those bio engendered plants are part of the sham holographic overlay that is slowly walling off the real original matrix, a bio engendered plant is a corruption of the uineversel mind data stream, I don’t care how ‘beneficial’ it is, how many Africans it feeds, in the end it is just another tool of the Trans Dimensional Leech Lords to imprison us in their prison Shard!
    So go ahead eat your biosoy dog, put that collar around your neck!

    Ps Mac, thanks for the P K D VALIS link.

    The Fleeting One

  5. Are we on the front edge of creating a toxic biosphere, where everything poisons everything else, until all our toxic waste is just spread thinly throughout the food chain?

    That which doesn't kill them will only make us stronger.

    ... that didn't come out quite right.

  6. razorsmile -

    It came out ok...and that is a possibility. But the important thing is the changes that might result, in humans, livestock, and all life on earth.

    The long-term effects of exposure to toxic substances...whether pre-metabolized or not...is something we know basically nothing about.

    Having plants metabolize our toxic waste, and claiming that it is "harmless", is a wishful thinking mindset that does little to give me confidence.

