Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Jeez . . . I got so caught up in my Shaver-esque rant about aliens living among us that I forgot to mention the point that immediately struck me about "The Hair of the Alien": DNA analysis shows that it's human, although with some apparent anomalies.

So if by some long shot the hair is indeed an authentic sample of "alien" tissue, it proves that at least one of our visitors is very closely related to us. Indeed, if DNA analysis is necessary to distinguish an alleged "Nordic" from a human, our cities could be fairly teeming with "aliens" (or their hybrid offspring) and we'd never suspect.

(This is essentially the scenario put forth in David Jacobs' "The Threat," foreshadowed by the fictional vampires of Whitley Strieber's "The Hunger.")


  1. Mac -

    From my earlier comment to your ears...*S*

    From "Blade", to "The Omega Man", the concept of genetic mutation lying at the root of "others", is a well-worn device.

    Like many other literary plot devices, this one may have a nugget of truth at its core.

    Maybe the storytellers themselves know more than they're telling. Many fiction writers in history were termed "eccentric" or "fanciful". Perhaps their penchant for drink, or drugs, or eccentricity reveals the simple "hunger pangs" for a far-off home world, or the struggles to acclimate to this alien culture.

    Science fiction may turn out to be no more than "therapy" for expatriot aliens. Twould explain much, methinks.

    A beautiful thought, that... :)


  2. Are you *trying* to blow my cover?

  3. Mac -

    It was already in the Enquirer...you're MADE, dude. *LOL*


  4. Are blondes actually human?

    Carol (brunette)

  5. Carol-- Some of them are out of this world! lol

  6. A description of the book _Hair of an Alien_ can be found at Amazon.com, wherein it says: "Sydney, Australia. July 23, 1992. Twenty-eight-year-old Peter Khoury was awoken by what appeared to be two females -- both striking and unearthly -- kneeling on his bed."

    Now why the hell can't that happen to me?!? lol.

    On a more serious note, my theory is that perhaps these "Nordic" types constitute a subspecies of our race which has, together with us, managed to continue (others, like the Neanderthals and Flores man, eventually disappeared).

    The other possibility is that they are our ancestors -- that we, as a subspecies, branched off of THEM. Maybe our heritage is a lot more ancient than we think; maybe these "Nordics" are the ones who built the wall on Iapetus and the Face on Mars -- and we are their children, their genetic offshoots...

  7. I read really much effective material above!
