Sunday, August 07, 2005

I woke up to find this praying mantis clinging to my screen.

Mantises are creepy and beautiful: pure lethal functionality translated into green chitin, yet delicate as origami.


  1. which reminds me... have I told you of my idea to cover the shuttle's foam insulation with a coating of chitin? It may possibly be eliminated entirely.

  2. *Awesome* idea! That's true-blue ribofunk you're talking.

  3. Like we don't have enough insect-related material here already?


  4. William Burroughs The Western Lands ;…We all thought we were interplanetary agents involved in a deadly struggle We were promised transport out of Time and into Space…This transport never materialized…So here I am in Kansas with my cats, like the honorary agent for a planet that went out light-years ago. Maybe I am. Who will ever know?

    Kansas? Cats? Ha! Mac! Your secret is out, missed the bus, did you?

  5. I'm in Missouri, but Burroughs' old house in Kansas is only a couple hours away. Jason ( lives in Lawrence.

  6. BTW, "The Western Lands" is one of my favorite WSB books.
