Sunday, August 07, 2005

Now this is cyberpunk!

Fancy Meets Function on Runway

"A wide array of looks were on display, from a Burning Manesque electro-luminescent wire hodgepodge, to remixed Victorian, to what can only be described as 'extreme android makeover,' complete with platform Goth boots and long, metallic hair tendrils."


  1. He Mac, this may be off Topic, but this you’re most up to date post.

    Going to stay up to see the Shuttle come in to land?
    If not, why?

    Not too late where I live, still past my bed time, but I am going to listen to Hoagland on C-C, and turn on the ol TV.

    What happened to our space program?
    When will the first ship depart for mars?
    Does it matter what happens to the Shuttle tonight?
    Is the dream of manned planetary exploration in our life times over?
    Sorry to set the topic, you must be working late…
    Wish is was in KC, we cold watch together Mac, wish all the cool people that post to this site could be together,and pray(vision-imagination-communication) for the safe return of the brave ones together.

  2. Ah, quit your whining. :p

    Shuttle explodes, they'll just give up altogether. Shuttle survives, a smouldering husk of hope may yet remain.

  3. Just give up altogether?
    Interesting observation Raze, the Amerikin people have gotten so self absorbed and people magazine narcissistic that they just might turn away from the whole man in space concept.
    Well I am going to stay up late again, this is the weirdest shuttle landing ever, kind of like watching a slasher movie, who gets it next?

    Mission Control:
    “The astronauts are coming home, poor dumb bastards”

    After the shuttle gets back safely, they need to moth ball that death trap.

  4. Only one problem, Gerald: no TV!
