Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So I'm inevitably wondering if I'll ever date again. If it's worth the effort. (The process is very much like interviewing for a job, although I never know exactly what kind of job; dates are like episodes from a Franz Kafka novel, tinged by a sense of intractable defeat and desperation.)

Right now I don't see it. I can imagine many trajectories my future might take -- at least when I'm feeling moderately optimistic -- but romance seems particularly elusive, like some dim, distant sun we have no hope of reaching without the convenience of wormhole travel.

Of course, you never know. Maybe something will happen (although I'm certainly not rearranging my life around the prospect). The problem is that I'm exceptionally solitary, so the odds of a chance encounter becoming something meaningful are almost impossibly remote. And chance encounters are just that -- chance encounters; they may very well never happen.

Finally, I'm left to confront the very definition of "romance." Does it contain some inherent worth or is it a rationalization for desires we avoid speaking about for fear of sounding cold, clinical or hopelessly detached? I can't help but wonder because, justifiably or not, I've been accused of all those things.

More than anything, I'm perpetually intrigued by how casually relationships seem to come to others. It's a constant study in alienation, unnervingly mysterious. I can only stand in slightly glazed wonderment, taking it in with the reserve of an astronomer happening across some rare celestial phenomenon.


  1. Sorry to hear of your split news, so here's a link to something related, via Mindhacks, which depending on your mood, may or may not cheer you up;, let's hope it's the former...

    also, big thanks for the link, very much appreciated.

  2. also, big thanks for the link, very much appreciated.

    No problem; your site's awesome!

  3. Why?
    Simple really, you sir are an organic portal.
    The only kindness the universe has shown you is that you have a built in forgetter node that keeps you from becoming aware of this cold hard fact.

    Took me 8 years to finally awaken and realize just what I am.

    The positive side is that we have this built in ability to be a transducer of hyper dimensional energy that the post adamc care bears do not have.
    We can manifest and organize matter from energy. I have done this.
    Alter probability waves.
    Create an enchantment field that alters peoples awareness of there surroundings.
    And other cool abilities.
    Only problem is that the trans dimensional beings hijack us for there own nefarious ends if we are unaware and psionicly asleep.

    Best of luck Mac, your going to need it.


  4. Mac,

    I was hanging around a bar the other night with Ellen DeGeneres, bitching with her about the usual. Women: can't live with them, can't live without them.

    I used to know someone who didn't have trouble meeting women and dating. One time he said that maybe I wasn't trying hard enough. I told him all the things I was doing to improve my chances. He replied: "Maybe you're trying too hard." This is the same guy who commented on another occasion, trying to be sympathetic, "When I see how bad your situation is, I appreciate my good fortune all the more." Yup; that helps.

    Actually, I think you have the right attitude when you say: "Maybe something will happen (although I'm certainly not rearranging my life around the prospect)." Keep in mind that even a good relationship -- whatever that is -- can put demands on your time and creativity. Hey, I would like to meet a woman who appreciates my writing but at the same time is honest enough to offer constructive criticism of my work. Usually what I end up with is a plain ol' nag.


  5. Wading into the testosterone ocean here...

    Yes, relationships are difficult, and they do require more maintenance than an English sports car, but it is not impossible to find one (usually when you least expect it, aren’t looking, and are completely unprepared LOL)
    There is immeasurable joy in sharing your life with someone else.
    Whatever your future holds, I hope it brings you peace and happiness.

    Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
    Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
