This site advertising brain transplantation makes for some delicious reading.
A sample:
BrainTrans, Inc located in Asian Region. We don't disclose our location before clients are completely ready for procedure and signed all necessary paper. We employ the best professionals in medical fields from all over the world. Our neurosurgeons have the best experience, and made this all possible.
The question you should be asking yourself: Would you entrust the transplantation of your brain to an outfit that can't even conquer JPG compression?
Having gotten past the initial guffaw, it's fun to pretend this might be for real. Could there really be a high-tech clinic somewhere in the "Asian Region" capable of sawing open your skull, lopping off your spinal cord and relocating your wetware to a fresh young frame?
If so, where the hell is it getting its raw material? Perusing the selection of designer bodies is oddly prurient, like ogling the merchandise at a slave market. Judging by the, um, "quality" of the shots, some of which seem cribbed from Calvin Klein advertisements, I think we can rule out grave robbery. (If you just experienced an unwelcome flashback to "The Island," starring Ewan McGregor as a witless clone, you're forgiven.)
Then there are the requisite stock photos of intimidating equipment and satisfied customers, as meaningless as the visuals pharmaceutical companies ceaslessly employ in their quest to rid the world of sleeplessness, impotence and "restless leg syndrome."
Good lord, people -- this is good stuff!
(Thanks to Mythropolis.)
Looks like the website is down but i checked it out a while back. I think brain transplants will be available in the future with cloned and genetically enhanced bodies but i wouldn't trust an unknown company that doesn't give out any contact info.