Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I wandered the library tonight and exited with Cory Doctorow's "Eastern Standard Tribe." I feel almost painfully out of it for not having read any of Doctorow's fiction (although I enjoy his findings at Boing Boing). Meanwhile, I'm finishing Robert Charles Wilson's Hugo Award-winning "Spin" and poring over every page -- and reading yet another critical analysis of Franz Kafka, with whom I often feel a special rapport.

I've made some extremely minor changes to my dot-com, hopefully to be followed by some more substantial revisions/additions/alternations. The Art Gallery has been upgraded a bit. And I like Justin's portrait so much I've made it the main graphic of my bio page.


razorsmile said...

Spin and Accelerando were the absolute best scifi 2005 produced.

Mac said...

"Spin" (which I've not yet finished) is jaw-dropping. So far it's my favorite RCW novel -- and that's saying a lot. He's so much better than most of his contemporaries that even comparing him to them seems silly.

"Accelerando," here I come!