Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hints of huge water reservoirs on Mars

Either some other process removed the water and CO2 or they are still present and hidden somewhere on Mars, probably underground, Barabash says. "We are talking about huge amounts of water," he told New Scientist. "To store it somewhere requires a really big, huge reservoir."

Barabash is not sure what form this reservoir -- or reservoirs -- would take, but he points to findings from NASA's now lost Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). This data provided evidence that water had gushed down slopes on Mars in recent years, possibly originating from beneath the surface. "So there might be some possibilities for water existing in liquid form even now," he says.

(Via OddThings.)


  1. NASA will continue to unveil more evidence of water. They've already conceded liquid, flowing water; it's only a matter of time until we realize just how much of it we're dealing with.

  2. It is amazing how Mars has been taken from a "dry, lifeless world" to this place where liquid water might even flow on the surface in the past few years by NASA. The possibilities for life and human exploration seem pretty limitless at this point, honestly.

  3. It is amazing how Mars has been taken from a "dry, lifeless world" to this place where liquid water might even flow on the surface in the past few years by NASA.

    It's equally amazing how slow NASA is to respond to discoveries that seem almost self-evident. The liquid seeps, for instance, are positively ancient news for Internet Mars-watchers.

  4. It's almost an effort to slip it all by, undetected by the masses. In a sense, it's all very much like the supposed alien/UFO information release("disclosure") that you hear people talk about. First you throw out a couple of movies, then very slowly throw out some more intriguing info here and there, and suddenly everyone just "knows" that there's UFOs flying around. I see similarities here(of course, assuming the other disclosure actually exists), in that every now and then NASA gives groundbreaking confirmation of things happening on Mars, and everyone just kind of takes it in stride. Those who pay attention already knew, and those who weren't paying attention almost assume it's old news because it wasn't on headline news every 30 minutes.
