Friday, January 26, 2007

I've been going through archived posts and vainly adding labels to make this blog more interactive. It's fun to click on a subject and have the screen fill with nothing but what you're interested in. The problem is that it's damned time-consuming; I might tire of it and only add labels to new posts.

Below are a few of the labels I've come up with so far.


I just read this:

If you use a classic template, the labels pages will only display the last 20 posts for each label, with no link to view older posts. If you switch to a Layouts template, you will automatically get "older posts" links to go back through each set of labels.

Damnit. Looks like I might need to redo my template.


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    And I Quote:

    If you use a classic template, the labels pages will only display the last 20 posts for each label, with no link to view older posts. If you switch to a Layouts template, you will automatically get "older posts" links to go back through each set of labels.

    Really? That's odd. I have a custom template on my blogs, and the older post link shows up if there are more than 20 posts on a label.

    When did Google do this?

  2. I have also been adding tags to my older posts. It's just so damned tedious.

  3. For the love of God, make sure you back up your existing template first! They say they do it for you, but make a worddoc, or even a notepad copy of your own.

  4. For the love of God, make sure you back up your existing template first!

