Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Paul Kimball rings in 2007 besieged by idiots:

Ring Around the Rosey... from Korff Back to Horn

First, as the Meier defenders (a very, very small but also a very, very vocal group) are the ones asserting that the photos are legit, it's up to them to prove that they are - it's not up to me, nor anyone else, to show that they are not. If these folks knew anything about the concept of burden of proof, in either law or science, they would realize that.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM


    As I say, I take it as a sign that I'm doing something right when both Meier supporters like Horn and Meier opponents like Korff are taking potshots at me. They really do deserve each other - it's like watching the far right and the far left fringes beat on centrists. ;-)


  2. I've read two Korff books. He is, among other things, an utterly graceless writer.

  3. Anonymous12:37 AM

    He is, among other things, an utterly graceless writer.

    Yup - kind of like reading quicksand.


  4. In my opinion, the Meierites actually benefit from having the K-Man as their detractor. He fits the "bad guy" stereotype -- the quintessential nit-picking know-nothing debunker ... only in this case he happens to be right.

    Then again, it's not exactly difficult to figure out that Meier's a fake. Korff seems to think he's a genuine investigator when in truth all he's done is reiterate the obvious. I almost feel sorry for him.

  5. Anonymous12:53 AM

    the Meierites actually benefit from having the K-Man as their detractor

    I agree 100% - I think they know it, too, and play on it, in the same way ETHers used Phil Klass and Donald Menzel for decades, all the while ignoring more intelligent, thoughtful skeptics.

    Convenient straw-men.

