Tuesday, May 29, 2007

NASA: Danger Point Closer Than Thought From Warming

Even "moderate additional" greenhouse emissions are likely to push Earth past "critical tipping points" with "dangerous consequences for the planet," according to research conducted by NASA and the Columbia University Earth Institute.

With just 10 more years of "business as usual" emissions from the burning of coal, oil and gas, says the NASA/Columbia paper, "it becomes impractical" to avoid "disastrous effects."

Don't the alarmist scientists at NASA realize the human race has bigger issues to deal with?

Like this, for instance:

Ga. judge: Keep Potter books in school

Laura Mallory, who argued the popular fiction series is an attempt to indoctrinate children in witchcraft, said she still wants the best-selling books removed and may take her case to federal court.

Let's keep some perspective, folks!

(Another hat tip to comrade Nick Redfern.)

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