Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Ficlets" you ask?

A ficlet is a short story that enables you to collaborate with the world.

Once you've written and shared your ficlet, any other user can pick up the narrative thread by adding a prequel or sequel. In this manner, you may know where the story begins, but you'll never guess where (or even if!) it ends.

(Via Reality Carnival.)

Part of me is inclined to suggest that this meme just might take off. I should test the waters by posting a couple shorts from my fiction blog, Extracranial.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Well? When do we see a ficlet the rest of us can embroider upon within comments? I'm ready.

  2. Anonymous11:57 PM

    It was a bright and windy day. Mr. Jazz, in his luminescent green spandex suit sat there, grinning, all the while tapping his toe to the rhythm of an old Bix Biderbeck tune from the roaring 20's. The tune was in his head, and he sat on a three-legged stool, invisible due to his home-brewed cloaking device, a dozen yards from the massive new hanger recently built along the southern border of dreamland...
