Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm completing a play -- my first -- for Nova Scotia's Semaphore Theatre. I just got an email from Google (which I've trained to do my ego-surging for me) and was directed to this update.

Knowing that "Doing Time" (very loosely based on a short-story I published in 1995) will actually be performed by living, breathing actors is a fairly trippy prospect, somehow more dire than merely committing words to paper (or, more often than not, a computer screen). And I still haven't ironed out the back-story about Martian pharmaceuticals . . .


  1. Not just living, breathing actors... good living, breathing actors!

    Now the pressure is really on!! :-)


  2. Anonymous9:18 PM


  3. Anonymous12:26 AM

    yea congrats!

    So at the end of the play, is the big finale that we find out that the protagonist is actually a crypto-terrestrial?

    ..Johnny suddenly rips off his "human" mask to reveal large large ebony eyes imbedded in an ashen complexion.. the audience gasps as the curtain falls...fini

    yea, I can see that.

  4. Not just living, breathing actors... good living, breathing actors!

    Damnit! ;-)
