Sunday, August 31, 2008

What's a tabloid news-week without a case of religious pareidolia, complete with weeping onlookers?

Bark if you see Mary

An uncanny likeness of the Virgin Mary formed into the bark of a Scarborough tree has left dumbfounded residents wondering if their neighbourhood has been divinely blessed.

(Via Aberrant News.)


  1. Looks more like a vagina to me.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Dumbfounded. Found dumb. Yep...

  3. "I'm not a wacko," Moreau said yesterday, adding he was stone-cold sober.

    Heh. I love it when people feel they have to justify themselves like this.

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Looks more like the "grim reaper" to me. Guess that shows where my imagination wonders.


  5. I think it looks like the Grim Reaper's vagina.

  6. Heh. I love it when people feel they have to justify themselves like this.

    Me too. "I am not a cultist." "This is not spam." Et cetera.

    Although, to be fair, you don't have to be whacko to see a resemblance to the archetypal Virgin Mary in tree bark. Thinking it *really is* the BVM, on the other hand, is pretty close.

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Redfern has it right Tonnies, you are a bit of a weirdo, "The "Grim Reapers" vagina, Geeez! Even I would have a hard time coming up with that one....I like it though, I like it.


  8. "I think it looks like the Grim Reaper's vagina."

    Thanks, Mac. I now know what biscuit crumbs out the nose feel like, and it isn't pleasant.
