Sunday, August 31, 2008

NASA Has Its Closest Look at Geysers on Saturn Moon

Since the discovery of the jets in 2005, the moon, Enceladus, has jumped to near the top of the list of potential places for life in the solar system. A warm spot near Enceladus's south pole powers the jets and may also melt below-surface ice into water, a necessity for living organisms.

On Monday, the NASA spacecraft Cassini made its latest flyby of Enceladus (pronounced en-SELL-ah-dus), passing 30 miles above the moon’s surface at 40,000 miles an hour.

Despite the high speed, Cassini was able to take razor-sharp images that, at seven meters per pixel, offer a resolution 10 times greater than earlier views.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Hey man, sorry to write you here but figured you might get it more quickly if I did so through the blog. This is MAD from "nwowatcher" by the way, we did that interview a few months back.

    Started a new site last night, very bare bones at the moment, but would love to have you involved in some way. It's going to be a writer's resource, fiction, non-fiction, articles, essays, poetry, tips, critiques, etc, etc.

    All it would require from you would be a few blog entries every month and the occasional comment and critique of other writer's works. You wouldn't necessarily have to write anything NEW for it, but could re-post your SETI articles and other works. There will also be a nice shop set up.

    Hope you'll be interested and that all is going well. Don't worry, the site won't "officially" launch for another month or so, so if you decide you're unavailable, let me know and I'll take your bio off the list ASAP.

    You can reach me at .

    Thanks for the consideration.
