Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flying saucers everywhere!

This record player doesn't actually exist yet, but word is the folks at Area 51 are hard at work making it a reality.

More information and photos here.

The seemingly physics-defying LP puts me in mind of that axle-less concept car (above), which I still contend was inspired by the "drone" fiasco.

[Follow me on Twitter.]


  1. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Are the back wheels even attached?

  2. @Particleion

    Nope. This is a seriously conceptual concept car!

  3. These levitating record-player and concept car, which one assumes heavily depend on someone finally figuring out how to develop high-temp superconducting materials, makes me nervous.

    For starters, I hope that by the time these products hit the market, there will have also been huge advances in stem cell research... otherwise how is a person like me, who has DENTAL FILLINGS, supposed to use those damn things??

  4. BTW, did you notice that in the latest Star Trek movie, Jim Kirk's bike has axle-less wheels, supposedly spinning thanks to some form of magnetic or anti-gravity levitation? I thought that was pretty cool.

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