Friday, September 18, 2009

I love a good dose of paleo-transhumanism.

(Thanks to @daniel_poeira.)

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  1. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Heh. And they will also have become classical Amazons, based on the sartorial and hair-styling indicators, plus arm accoutrements. Chart must have been created by some patriarchal ancestor of R. Crumb. Big fine legs! In the year 2000, Conan?

  2. I'm 6'-4". Where the hell are these mega-babes hiding???? >_<

  3. Haha, that's too tall.

  4. I think everybody ought to go through this.

  5. Here, I do not really imagine it is likely to have success.

  6. This cannot succeed in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.

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