While I think the UFO enigma indicates some form of intelligence, I'm not sure where that intelligence originates. Certainly it could come from the interstellar neighborhood -- but the evidence, taken in its entirety, suggests we're dealing with something substantially stranger. (Of course, we could be confronted with myriad overlapping phenomena.) In any case, we'll likely never know until the rigid definitional framework that has come to dominate discussion of all things "paranormal" is relaxed to accommodate a genuinely agnostic approach.

Sagan and the Hill encounter
UFOs: Why no "open contact"?
UFOs, aliens and consciousness
The Roswell controversy
The persistent myth of UFO "disclosure"
The "Grays" as posthumans
Do aliens smoke cigarettes?
Talking flowers and other denizens of the imaginal realm
Strange "helpers"
Little green men
Asemic texts and "alien" writing
(To view all posts tagged with "UFOs," click here.)
[Follow me on Twitter.]
Thanks. I'm getting some traffic from Coast to Coast. Since I'm a relative unknown I figured I'd toss out some representative essays. Rest assured there are a lot more where I found these.
I've never left a comment before, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog posts. It's a shame no one seems to really comment here, your points of view are usually both very original and well thought out. Keep it up! This is my favorite blog on the internet so far, no exaggeration.
Thanks so much for the kind words. The comments tend to ebb and flow; sometimes I get a lot, sometimes I don't get any. But I know from checking my site statistics that I get a fair bit of traffic. Always feel free to comment, as I read them all.
I found just found your blog a few weeks ago, (I can't remember how, sorry), and I love it. I really enjoyed the recent links to your UFO articles--your approach and the way you think about the phenomenon is expansive, thoughtful and refreshing, as is your even-handed "agnostic" approach. I'm working on a new collection of speculative/science fiction poems, and I come here regularly for inspiration and a good dose of intelligent weirdness!
Thanks, Kristen! :-)
Actually the UFOs come mainly from local planets with our solar system. To find out how this is possible (ie why we have discovered intelligent life on Mars etc), you can visit my web page at http://www.sentforlife.com/theufocoverup.html .
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