In a follow-up to her post about an unusual cigarette-purchasing "woman" (briefly discussed here), "Kartott" has offered further description that underscores the unconventional nature of her brief encounter:
Though I could not see her eyes due to the large Jackie-O style sunglasses she wore, other aspects were evident: an unusually long pointy chin. Exaggerated cheekbones out of proportion to the rest of the face. Practically no lips, only enough to discern that there was any mouth. A nose that was almost not there: there was very little structure to it, a small bridge area, and some structure around the nostrils, but not much.

Consciously or not, Kartott is describing a being strikingly similar to the woman supposedly encountered by abductee Antonio Villas Boas, whose experience is described here. Indeed, the pointed chin, exaggerated cheekbones and vestigial nose and mouth are commonly reported characteristics of ostensibly "alien" entities, and crop up with compelling frequency in the UFO literature. The visage has become synonymous with that of the "Gray," a commonly portrayed UFO occupant type with massive black eyes and fetal characteristics. (The Grays are often described as sexless or even robotic, stirring discussion that they're in fact biological robots or even genetically atrophied human time-travelers from our own ecologically impoverished future.)

Although the being described by Villas Boas is perhaps the most obvious example of an apparently alien woman, one has to look no further than the cover of Whitley Strieber's iconic 1987 best-seller "Communion" for another. (Often assumed to depict a male extraterrestial, the text of "Communion" and subsequent books by Strieber emphasizes that the being on the book's cover is female.)

In a disquieting twist, researchers have noted a conspicuous resemblance between the "Communion" alien and "Lam," the "magickal" entity allegedly summoned by controversial occultist Aleister Crowley. Like Strieber's female contact and Villas Boas' seductress, Lam's portrait emphasizes a memorably tapered face with dramatically pointed chin and minimal nose and mouth, suggesting a common origin. (At least some of the infamous "Men In Black" would also seem to fit the mold.)
Kartott's "cigarette lady" seems to fit the pattern. Even the purchase of cigarettes -- however seemingly preposterous -- is in keeping with reports by self-proclaimed abductees, who have described the smell of cigarette smoke in the context of their encounters. (The distinctively repellent odor of sulfur is a more common variant, with both mythological and folkloric antecedents.)
I propose -- tentatively -- that the beings featured above are "alien" only in the sense that they seem exceedingly strange to us. Their predominantly humanoid manner and ability to function in "normal" human reality -- if fleetingly -- argue that they're denizens of our own planet. Perhaps they're materializations of the sort postulated by John Keel in such books as "The Mothman Prophecies" and "The Eighth Tower."
Of course, the unmistakably elfin qualities described by UFO witnesses suggest Jacques Vallee's heretical notion of a "multiverse" inhabited by all manner of humanoid intelligences: a hypothesis that begs a scientific analysis of unlikely "contact" reports attributed to indigenous beings such as fairies.
Alternatively, liminal beings like Kartott's cigarette woman might represent a race of human-alien "hybrids," as argued by Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs. Apparently unable to pass among us for great lengths of time, the hybrids' overseers might be content to allow their creations to practice certain basic social skills in a relatively unbounded setting.
Of course, the answer could be a fusion of any of the above possibilities . . . or we could be dealing with a phenomenon generated at least partly by the psyche. The supposed aliens that witnesses see within and outside of UFOs might be examples of what Dr. John Mack termed "reified metaphor": a physical intrusion of repressed archetypal forces. If so, it's all-too-tempting to speculate that the daimonic reality traditionally accessed by shamanic cultures has begun to spill over into waking consciousness, manifesting as a veritable onslaught of beings quietly seeking to reassert their influence.
In a mechanistic society, the "Other" might find itself faced with extinction; violations of restricted airspace and face-to-face encounters with unsuspecting observers could amount to a kind of existential assertion, begging the possibility that our capacity for belief is somehow integral to our visitors' reality . . . if, indeed, "visitors" is the proper term.
Note: This is the latest in a series of speculative essays that I'm using as "source-code" for a book titled "The Cryptoterrestrials." If interested, you can find related musings here, here, here, and here.
Geez, Mac, the VIllas Boas case again?
A guy named Bosco Nedelcovic, a CIA/DOD operative who worked undercover for AID in South America confided that the Villas Boas episode was a CIA-oriented experiment.
(The details can be found at The UFO Reality -- http://ufor.blogspot.com down deep in the postings....one of the first postings actually.)
Nedelcovic can be searched at UFO UpDates to confirm his sordid CIA past.
I think that these experiences as well as others are an invasion of the intermediary film our mind provides us as we experience nothing directly, only as a simulation of materiality utilizing biophotons.
I increasingly suspect these creatures are viral intrusions as well, that consensus plays a subservient role and drives appearances.Your post intrigued me because if this is so and our senses can be manipulated, this manipulation must represent a range, and so how far can it be stretched?
Somehow perhaps our biology is being tampered with. The wave collapse of consciousness seems to intersect non human sentience by utilizing prototypes, or archetypes of what and whom what we anticipate when faced with an X factor.
These masks mirror in a parasitic manner, organize themselves by a template we provide them unwittingly. Exploring our inner rather than outer spaces by invading the intermediary mechanisms of consciousness seems to be the preferred method of exploration. Our eyes may be a two way street.
The odd aspects of this seem to indicate their fleeting nature, as they piggy back on individuals. If they did this tact in a widespread manner, the interesting aspect of this is that no two observers would be able to experience them in the same manner.The elderly woman is simultaneously seen as a young man by someone else, or as your post suggests, an alien.I suspect that if you could go back and ask others in that store, they saw someone else entirely. The case you mention may be one of the rarer cases, where one them is testing the water to vicariously enjoy another of our sensate pleasures outside of sex, cigarettes...a "borrowing" of human experience. These chimeras seem to be an advanced evolution of what we call ghosts.
I'm very familiar with the LAM drawing, and, in fact, really into Crowley and his writings. What I'm unclear on is if he saw this LAM character in fleshy reality, or if it was an astral vision. Do you know?
I think this guy showed up in a magical operation called The Amalantrah Working. It's all documented, but it's so damn long and esoteric that I can't get through it. The famous line/message from this working is 'It's all in the egg'. Huh.
Crowley not only saw "Lam" in the flesh, but supposedly drew his portrait while the being was right in front of him!
Mac, in all the ancient traditions, there's this constant theme about being beware of who or what you're dealing with because, although they might appear to be human, they might in fact be gods.
The Old Testament version tends to take the form be careful who you piss off: for instance, although it's generally assumed the citizens of Sodom were punished for demanding carnal knowledge of Lot's mysterious guests, the real 'sin' they committed, ultimately, was to fail to perceive the strangers were in fact angels and to amend their behaviour accordingly.
In Homer, we're constantly told the gods take on not just the human form but the forms of the very people we actually know, (including ourselves!), and steer the course of our lives right before our very eyes without us suspecting in the least.
And Jesus, as one among many, exhorted us to treat strangers we encounter as if we're actually dealing with Jesus himself.
You'll note though, we’re never actually given us any clues as to what to watch out for in order to be able to spot such individuals – it’s merely implied it's in our best interest to behave towards EVERYONE as if they’re one of these magical strangers.
And that's what I find interesting about stories like this cigarette smoking 'alien'.
Never mind why an 'alien', (or for that matter, a god), would want to purchase cigarettes? Afterall, if they were really that desperate surely they could've at least used they're advanced technology or mystical super powers to 'magic' up a nicotine patch for themselves? For that matter, surely they could've come up with a more compelling disguise!
No, what accounts like this suggest to me, (and personal experience compels me to assume some, at least, of them’re real), is that they seem designed to make the particular individual(s) concerned start paying closer attention to what they normally take for reality; and the very fact such individuals can still be asking themselves, years later, was that really an alien, (UFO, god, Bigfoot, etc.), means their hold on the conviction that reality is only what it previously seemed to be has very definitely been loosened.
It’s a process I call stretching the knicker elastic of the mind, and it may be the reason, I suggest, why the aliens, gods, ultraterrestials, whatever, behave the way they do, never actually coming completely out in the open, possibly because the way we always seem to view everything is on the lines either/or, so the moment we actually make open contact with other ‘intelligent’ forms of life, (once the guffawing and crowing in the face of those who insisted such a thing wasn’t possible has ended), we’ll all immediately revert to our default position of, ’So now we know what's what’.
But I'd actually go further than that and suggest that what The Old Testament, Homer, Jesus, etc., may've been implying, (and what the aliens, gods, ultraterrestials,angels, etc. may be trying to illustrate), is the reason they take on our form is because we ourselves are in some way the same as them, only we are trapped by our collective insistence that reality is only what we take it for.
All through John Keel's 'The Mothman Prophecies', he gives accounts of possible ultraterrestials like 'Jack Brown' who seem thoroughly uninterested in all the amazing experiences everyone seems to be having but intensely interested in asking seemingly trivial questions like, "Do you know John Keel?"
Keel explains these as gambits to extract information.
But in ages past not only the lives of particular individuals, but the course of entire civilizations changed as a result of someone asking seemingly innocuous questions like, "Who are you?" or "Whither goest thou?" because the individuals addressed were sufficiently open minded enough to sense the real question being asked was, "Why do you - why do any of us - exist?"
Towards the end of 'Mothman' Keel tells us he began to feel sorry for the Ultraterrestials, because they seemed confused about such matters as whether it was the past, present or future - "trapped in time" as I think he puts it.
But what if it's the other way round?
What if it's us who're trapped?
The smell of space: "Korzun said it's kind of like a smell from a gun, right after you fire the shot. I think it kind of has almost a bitter kind of smell in addition to being smoky and burned."
Aren't people just describing things with wich they are consciously/unconsciously inundated/immersed/surrounded by in this multimedia world?
crowley was such a fraud...there's a reason his workings are presented in a way that are seemingly too long involved or "esoteric" to be understood by poor mortals such as we....its because they're b.s. crowley was a drug/sex addict, a drunk and a hedonist. any semblance of credibility he might have had at the beginning of his sad career was long gone by the end of it. he held his "special knowledge" as a way to manipulate and use others. he's done more damage to the study of the hidden than anyone. there are lots of creepy things that can be evoked, dragged home as it were, but he had no more skill or ambition than you or i do. his attempts to obfuscate his workings might simply mean that they were without substance.
I can't help but wonder if it wasn't a burn victim - why would an enlightened being partake in such a human activity ?
I remember, she didn't quite hold her cigarette right. And her lipstick was so messy.
That was no extraterrestrial, it was Michael Jackson!:)
has anyone considered the possibility that this was just an odd looking woman, and there is no need for people like duesing to create vast piles of steaming verbiage to try and sound important? ever heard of occam's razor?
Who says apparent alien "hybrids" are necessarily enlightened?
As for the possibility that she was a burn victim: of course it's possible. It wasn't Kartott's description that impressed me so much as the fact that others have described very similar encounters that don't seem to be describing normal humans with unusual distinguishing characteristics.
I've looked at the Lam Hypothesis and the drawing by Crowley has virtually no context. All the ideas about Lam have been added on later by other people usually conforming to their expectations. One of the best bets is that this is a drawing of Lao Tzu and, while it might be the most probable, the bottom line is we don't know what it is a drawing of.
What is interesting is this imagery seems to bubble up from time to time and there seems to be some kind of... archetype at work.
I did read Alan's essay about this, but totally spaced it out. I'd have to agree that his explanation is the most probable. Thanks for that.
As usual, I await your book with a mixture of anticipation and dread (that it will say everything I've always wanted to in a more articulate and complete way.)
Ditto for Mr. Duensing's comment. Right up my alley and well-written.
As to the burn victim possibility -this was not even a consideration at the time (nor later). "Her" skin was highly refined, no obvious pores or scars. Her facial features -- the exaggerated chin and cheekbones, the shape of the nose -- all these point to an underlying skeletal structure that was distinctly not-quite-human. What that is, I don't know.
I'm thinking the whole "Smoking" Alien thing is just their way of absorbing our culture and trying to blend in.
It's like moving to France and suddenly dressing more fashionable and sitting at a cafe all day. You try to adapt so people won't notice you DON'T BELONG THERE. Or, aren't from around there.
I find it a similar ideology with these beings. They are obviously strange in appearance and even in manners, but they're still trying to get people, especially the ones they have to interact with, to feel some semblance of humanity projecting from them.
Would you be more open to a weird looking person who came into your store and asked for something as common as cigarettes, or would you prefer they barked and asked for a delicacy only found in the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy?
It's a curiosity, and it's strange, but it makes sense in its own way.
Re. Villas Boas case: I read in a Spanish magazine some time ago, that some investigators went to the town of Antonio and talked to his sister and brother. The most interesting thing is how the initial accounts of the case distorted the image of the female 'alien' —they emphasized how beautiful and alluring she was— whereas, according to Antonio's siblings, the entity was in fact butt-ugly! In fact, Antonio was always amazed of how he was even able to perform as a man in front of such a hideous creature —something rather similar to what Whitley Strieber has claimed on some occasions.
You're right. I've always been intrigued by the Boas case, in part, because the woman seems much like a "modern" Gray in many respects. And there's definitely some resonance with Strieber's depiction.
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